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Monthly Archive 12/19/2017

West Africa Tour

Mek SP7VC & Kate SQ7OYL will be active from West Africa between December 29, 2017 to January 06, 2018. QRV on SSB, FT8; holiday-style on 160-15m. QSL via home call.

TY1TT – Benin

Wim, ON6DX will be active again as TY1TT from Grand Popo, Benin during February 20 to Match 2, 2018 (dates or be confirmed). QRV on HF bands. QSL via ON6DX.

VI70HI – Australia

VI70HI is a special callsign issued to Commemorate the first ANARE Expedition to Heard Island in December 1947. It will be active from December 19th, 2017 until February 28th, 2018. QRV on all HF bands 160m-10m, SSB, CW, RTTY and possibly digital modes also. QSL via M0OXO.

C5WP – The Gambia

Pedro, C5WP/ON7WP informs DX-World: During 25 December till 1 January I will be doing some charity work in the Gambia. From 28-30 December staying at my “Kerr Pedro” compound in Buntung, The Gambia (IK23JR) using my regular call sign C5WP. I will focus this time on digital modes, mainly JT65 on 60 meters regarding the […]

6O6O – Somalia

Kenneth, LA7GIA and Adrian, KO8SCA bring some good news for the festive period! “We have received an invitation from the Ministry to come and do amateur radio transmission in Somalia. We have received the license 6O6O, and we travel Jan 3rd. We hope to be QRV in the evening local time. We will stay there […]

C56RU – The Gambia

Franky, ON7RU will be active from The Gambia as C56RU during December 26, 2017 to January 1, 2018. QRV holiday-style, HF bands.

QSL preview – 5K1B

5K1B was QRV end of November 2017. QSLs are on the way.

XT2AW – Burkina Faso

Harald, DF2WO is returning to Burkina Faso and will be active again as XT2AW starting early January for two weeks. QRV on HF, Digi/CW/SSB. QSL via M0OXO.

KH1/KH7Z – Baker Island DXpedition

PRESS RELEASE #3 The Dateline DX Association is pleased to announce the callsign for its DXpedition to Baker Island in June 2018. The Association already has the callsign KH7Z so we will identify our location and call as KH1/KH7Z. Visiting a remote DX location like Baker Island is an expensive undertaking. Our budget is over […]

A70X – Al Safliyah Island, AS-088

NEWS UPDATE — QARS is very delighted to announcing that a number of local hams and some from outside the country might join the group to reactive Al-Safliya Island AS088, QSL via M0OXO. JANUARY 6, 2017 – A70X started to dismantle the camp and the HF yagis..the wind won’t settle down & still very high […]

6V1A – Goree Island, AF-045

UPCOMING – 6W1KI, 6W1PZ, 6W1QL and 6W7JX will again be active as 6V1A from Gore Island AF-045 during December 15-17, 2017. ORV on SSB and CW on various bands with two stations. AUGUST 26, 2016 — Members of ARAS (Amateur Radio Association of Senegal) will again be active as 6V1A from Goree Island AF-045 between […]

J28ND – Djibouti

Dane, S57T is currently active from Djibouti as J28ND. QRV using home-made vertical & low power. QSL via S57DX.

J52EC – Guinea-Bissau

Through his missionary work (“books for the high school of Cumura”) Livio IZ3BUR will be active from Guinea-Bissau as J52EC between January 24 to February 21, 2018. QRV when time permits. QSL via H/c.

E51DXX – Rarotonga, Cook Isl.

Mauri, AG1LE is again active from Rarotonga, Cook Islands as E51DXX until December 29, 2017. QRV on HF bands. QSL via H/c.

PJ7/UT6UD – Sint Maarten

Vadym, UT6UD will be active from Sint Maarten as PJ7/UT6UD between December 30, 2017 to January 13, 2018. QRV on 160-17 m. QSL via H/c.

4B4B – Socorro Island, NA-030 – Revillagigedo Islands.

Mark, XE1B will be active as 4B4B from Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Islands, NA-030 between March 1-15, 2018. QRV on 160-6m; SSB. QSL via XE1B direct, Club Log OQRS.

3D2JS – Fiji

Jim, WB2TJO informs: I will be back in Fiji on the island of Taveuni in early January, 2018 and plan to stay until the middle of March, 2018. My lifelong friend Glenn built a house on the island 2 years ago and our main goal is to make his house a home. Glenn will arrive […]

ZC4A – U. K Sovereign Base Area, Cyprus

Bob, 5B4AGN informs DX-World that ZC4A will be QRV from Cyprus SBA between 24-31 January including CQ 160m CW Contest. 2-3 stations will be QRV all bands 160-10m. CW focus but with some SSB/Data mode activity. QSL via M0URX OQRS system.

5P9Z/P – Jylland North Group, EU-171

Thomas, DL7UZO and his XYL will be active from Jylland North Group EU-171 as 5P9Z/P between December 28, 2017 – January 4, 2018. QRV on 160-10; CW/RTTY/SSB. Looking for NA on 160m at night. QSL via H/c. Website

5P9Z/P – North Jutland, EU-171

Thomas, DL7UZO and his XYL will be active from Jylland North Group EU-171 as 5P9Z/P between December 28, 2017 – January 4, 2018. QRV on 160-10; CW/RTTY/SSB. Looking for NA on 160m at night. QSL via H/c.