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Monthly Archive 03/24/2018

[UPDATE] XZ2A – Myanmar

NEWS UPDATE – Pictures below show Simon collecting his XZ2A license from the government Ministry in Naypyitaw. The lady on his right is the Director of the Spectrum Planning department. Simon mentions he is now on air using a temporary antenna at his current QTH.  In a few weeks, he’ll move to a better QTH in […]

Sao Tome Island

David, EB7DX will be active between 1 to 9 June 2018 from Sao Tome Island as callsign TBA. Look for him on 40-6m mostly SSB, RTTY, FT8 and some CW using 100w. Holiday style operation. QSL via H/c.

PJ2/KM4SII – Curacao

Mason, KM4SII will be active from Curacao during July 19-24, 2018. He is part of a three youth operator team – Youth DX Adventure (YDXA) and will operate out of the PJ2T contest station. QRV on all bands/modes, focus on Digi as as AS/VK/ZL. QSL via LoTW.

E51KMR – Rarotonga

Jim, KM7R will be active from Rarotonga as E51KMR in May 2018. He will be operating from the QTH of E51JD. QRV on HF. QSL via H/c.

The FREE DX-World Weekly Bulletin #241

Here’s the very latest FREE (non-subscription) DX-World Weekly Bulletin written by Bjorn, ON9CFG. As always it’s packed full of info and this week runs to a bumper 14 pages. You can download it here.

V73NV – Majuro Atoll, OC-029

Nobu, JA0JHQ is active from Majuro Atoll (OC-029) as V73NC until March 26, 2018. QRV on 160-10m, SSB & FT8. Participation in CQWW WPX SSB contest. QSL via H/c, LoTW, Club Log OQRS.

T31T – Kanton Island

NEWS UPDATE — T31T Kanton Island Expedition part 2 Following our DXpedition to Kanton Island (Central Kiribati) in 2016, we decided to come back to this extraordinary place this year – with a new plan and resources. Next to a typically ham radio focused activity, we wish to connect our radio project with humanitarian aid […]

XZ2A – Myanmar

XZ2A is the first resident amateur radio station in Myanmar since 1962. The station is operated by Simon, HS0ZIB and much more info can be found here

TO5GI – Guadeloupe

Pascal, F6ASS will be active from Guadeloupe as TO5GI between March 23 to April 6, 2018. QRV on HF bands with participation in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25). QSL via F5XX.

H44XG – Solomon Islands

Haru, JA1XGI announces he will be active from Honiara, Solomon Islands sometime in June or July 2018 (dates not yet fixed). QRV as H44XG on 40-30-20-15-10m; mainly CW, sometimes FT8 (DXpedition Mode). QSL via H/c.

Comment on 4B4B – Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Islands. by F2DX Pat

“This 2018 4B4B REVILLAGIGEDO IS Dxpedition to Socorro I is formed again by XE1B Mark who is very well experienced and know for his interest and willing to put again Revillagigedo on the air once more.
Please support the Dxpedition, it’s been 7 years, since the last operation took place by XE1B, Marl. It’s been a long wait …” ????

Strange operation (called “DXPEDITION” only by the author himself).

Before asking for money, it may be necessary to prove that efforts are being made.
This guy don’t know that Europe exists, or maybe he is not interested in contacting Europe?
Whenever I heard it (very weakly) on 20m, he only contacted the US or SA (next doors) and ASKED NOTHING ELSE even if only to try.

I am very curious to see logs and especially statistics by continents for this one month activation called DXpedition …

Comment on Project Report: FT/X & FT/W by F2DX Pat

“Et, pourquoi cette rédaction n’est pas aussi en langue française ?”

Just because DX WORLD is a site for everyone in the world (so in English which is the international language).

If you want French language, go to a site only in French:

73, F2DX Patrick

JA4GXS/5 – Naka Island, AS-200

Kenji, JA4GXS will be active from Naka Island, AS-200 during April 22-23, 2018. QRV on 40-17m; CW/SSB/FT8. QSL via H/c.

Comment on [QRT] XR0YD – Easter Isl. by Cristian CE3BKN

excelente expedición amigos!! gusto conocerlos y recibirlos en nuestro radio club. ce3aa.cl 73. ce3bkn

Comment on TJ2TT – Cameroon by bill

Been barely a whisper here at my Pacific Northwest qth.

Comment on Project Report: FT/X & FT/W by FabGYM


le texte est aussi en français sur radio amateur.org

73’s Fabien GYMF

Comment on Project Report: FT/X & FT/W by F6BUL Joachim

…..Et, pourquoi cette rédaction n’est pas aussi en langue française ?
….après tout ça ne regarde pas UNIQUEMENT que les anglophones….
Personnellement je comprend le sens du texte mais pas intégralement.
Cordialement, Joachim, F6BUL.

Comment on 3C0W & 3C3W – Annobon & Eq. Guinea by Holger, ZL3IO

3C0W like all other DXpeditions before are located on the North side of the island while the main path to OC is via South and blocked by a mountain. When on Saturday we finally had a long path opening from 3C0W to OC on 40m we were hopeful to get some attention by the team. Unfortunately that was not the case and they progressed working EU and NA even so one ZL finally made it into the log, only for 3C0W to QSY just before our sunset when the peak propagation would be.
Like most of the DXpeditions to Africa this one is again a big frustration for Oceania HAMs.
May be the criteria should not be who works the most total QSO’s but who gives the most ATNO’s to the community.

73 Holger

Comment on TJ2TT – Cameroon by Tony VK3TZ

Please, please, please, Run a wire dipole or two from that bell tower to the pine tree or one of the light posts in the pictures and some long haul DX might actually be able to hear you. Those spider beams and 2 element yagis at 4m up are doing a great job of heating the ionosphere directly above the QTH. Now I know why signals are so weak. You’ve got a fantastic sky hook sitting right there! Why don’t you use it? Contrary to that, the Low band antenna look like an excellent installation there. Well done with those, very nicely done.

Good luck, TJ, 3C, 3C0, TY, TN are all very, very, very rare in this part of the world. Appreciate the effort and cost the team has undertaken but pacific DX will have absolutely no hope with 10m-20m antennas mounted at that height. Reminds me of the Navassa dxpedition with beams that were inaudible, but a piece of wire strung from that lighthouse at S9plus20dB (seemed to be used at start and end of dxpedition only).

[UPDATE] 7Q7EI – Malawi

NEWS UPDATE — Just a few days before our departure and the whole team are highly motivated. Last minute preparations have begun with final packing and baggage weighing over next few days, when van will be loaded ready for our journey to Dublin Airport. We have over 1/2 ton of equipment to bring with us! We are […]